Our last release: ETHERHEIM

Our video clip received main award from Enjoy it
Our work ETHERHEIM received the award for best video clip from  Musika Bulegoa. Let it thrill you through the journey from darkness to light. You can listen the full version here in Spotify.

1 0 1: an album for music transfomation

Our also awarded 1 0 1, composed by José Ángel Babiano, can be listened to and purchased on platforms such as Spotify, Apple Music and Amazon Music.  Thank you for listening, enjoying, and supporting us! 

Jose in Melómano magazine

Jose Ángel Babiano was interviewed by the prestigious music magazine Melómano about ĒTHĘR Ensemble and its main creation 1 0 1. 

ĒTHĘR Ensemble enters the "Libro de Oro de la Música"

Since April 2022, ĒTHĘR is part of the "Libro de Oro de la Música" that rewards the trajectory and musical quality in our country